Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are thought to play significant roles in the onset and progression of a number of chronic diseases. Orange juice has been associated with beneficial impacts on several inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. The consumption of 750 mL of orange juice for 8 weeks as part of the usual diet was associated with improvements in some anti-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in men and women.(Dourado) A study in 12 healthy men and women reported that daily consumption of 500 mL of orange juice for 2 weeks resulted in a significant reduction in 8-epiPGF2α, a marker for oxidative stress.(Sanchez-Moreno) Two clinical studies demonstrated that the consumption of orange juice helped attenuate the inflammatory response caused by the consumption of a high carbohydrate and/or high fat meal.(Cerletti, Ghanim)  There was no significant effect on inflammatory markers in men who consumed 8 ounces of orange juice daily for 12 weeks as part of their usual diet.(Simpson)


  1. Cerletti et al. Thromb Res. 2015;135:255-259.
  2. Dourado GK et al. Food Nutr Res. 2015;59:28147.
  3. Ghanim et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91:940-949.
  4. Sanchez-Moreno C et al. J Nutr. 2003;133:2204-2209.
  5. Simpson EJ et al. Food Func. 2016;7:1884-1891.