
Asparagus Stir Fry With Grapefruit And Almond


  • 1 large pink Florida grapefruit
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 55 g slivered almonds
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 450 g asparagus, trimmed and cut into 5- to 8-centimetre pieces
  • Pinch of salt


Cut grapefruit in half.Squeeze juice into measuring cup to make about 125 ml.With a small spoon, scrape pulp from grapefruit into separate bowl to make about 125 ml.Set aside.

Swirl oil into large skillet or wok set over medium-high heat.Stir-fry almonds and garlic until golden-brown, about 30 seconds.Add asparagus and salt; stir-fry for 1 minute.Add grapefruit juice and 50 ml water.Cook asparagus, stirring occasionally, until tender-crisp.Stir in reserved grapefruit pulp.


  • 1 large pink Florida grapefruit
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 55 g slivered almonds
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 450 g asparagus, trimmed and cut into 5- to 8-centimetre pieces
  • Pinch of salt


Cut grapefruit in half.Squeeze juice into measuring cup to make about 125 ml.With a small spoon, scrape pulp from grapefruit into separate bowl to make about 125 ml.Set aside.

Swirl oil into large skillet or wok set over medium-high heat.Stir-fry almonds and garlic until golden-brown, about 30 seconds.Add asparagus and salt; stir-fry for 1 minute.Add grapefruit juice and 50 ml water.Cook asparagus, stirring occasionally, until tender-crisp.Stir in reserved grapefruit pulp.

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